
Top 5 annoyances for serials for 2009

On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me... Oops. Wrong season. Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, publishers are not sweet...

5) Changing formats and making the new one useless to libraries. (2 examples come to mind -- one has gone to pdf editions that will be emailed to the subscribers and the other is one that has gone to biweekly digital "updates" that require a single username and password)

4) Changing publication schedules from a regular one to an irregular one (This one is a newspaper that went from daily to "occassional" with no set pattern!)

3) One publisher selling all of its journals and content to another publisher and making the old content near to impossible to get to during the "transfer."

2) Size changes for no apparent reason and improvement in quality

But the number 1 annoyance for 2009 serials is... (drum roll...)

1) Publishers or editors that do not understand the REASON for Roman Numerals was for a "shorthand" and a "standardized" way of counting. Hence, XXXXVI does not exist. 3 X's in a row is the maximum. Weird versions of a number are also annoying -- hence "XLX" is mere nonsense. Yes, it does equal out to "50" if you do the math, but there is a REASON that "L" was put into the system!

I'm thinking Psalms are too complex a literary form for this publishing group. Maybe I can come up with a Limerick for March.

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