
Just an update

I can't believe it's been a month since my last blog post! I am not buried under a stack of serials. Although, with the amount we received in the mail today, it was a good possibility.

It has been a fun month in serials. :)

I have not only received journals that were published before they should exist (one sent me an Oct/Dec 2009 issue!), I received some "new" journals that are a mere seven or eight years behind their cover chronology (philosophy journals, mostly). I am still not quite sure why a 45 page academic journal takes 7 or 8 years to publish. The only thing I can figure out is that these are not very "active" topics and it takes that long to gather enough submissions to publish...?That then begs the question, though, about whether or not they should continue publishing with a 7 to 8 year lag?

My students got to process some government publications this month and the government apparently does not care about cover chronology matching actual publishing dates either. It looks like I am a "type A" person in a "type B" industry. Sigh.

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